Wind directions WNW clockwise to NE
Best wind direction NW
Grid reference SO078517
Longitude 3° 20’ 56” W
Latitude 52° 09’ 21” N
Take off altitude 400 m (1300′)
Rating CP
Landowner Jeff and Snowy Powell (01982 552678)
Restrictions Stock movements and lambing season
Site fee £3 to Jeff and Snowy Powell, Tremaen Farm (SO074526); put your site fee in the tin by the front door before proceeding past the farm
Nearest telephone Hundred House (SO153544)
Nearest hospital Hereford
Maps OS Landranger · Bartholomlew road atlas


The west end of the north face of Aberedw Hill, a huge grassy ridge with room for hundreds of gliders.

Access and parking

From the A481 between Llanelwedd and Hundred House, turn off at SO081532 to Tremaen Farm. 300m past the farm turn left through a field gate marked Private Road. Park just before the next gate (SO072520) and walk up the track to take off.

A maximum of two vehicles may be driven up the track to the top.

Take off

Anywhere on the top.

Top landing

Anywhere on the top. Watch out for rotor if landing further than 30m back from the edge.

Slope landing

Not recommended because the slope is steep and can be affected by rotor from trees lower down.

Bottom landing

In the designated landing field (SO074521).


In summer, the sea breeze often reaches this site in the late afternoon. This often means that the site is flyable in the evening even if the wind has been too strong or too light during the day.

In strong winds the site can be affected by rotor from the hills opposite the eastern end.

This site is shared with the Malvern Hang Gliding Club, and is in their online sites guide at

Site map

Tremaen site map